Our History
Established in 1976 as a privately held company, providing land market accommodation and accessories to the U.S. oil and gas industry
HB Rentals changed ownership, 1997
Expanded into the offshore accommodations market, 1997
HB Rentals purchased Eagle Rental, 1998
Superior Energy Services acquired HB Rentals, 2000
Expanded into the Trinidad offshore market, 2002
HB Rentals purchased Riverview Rentals, 2006
HB Rentals purchased Duffy & McGovern, Aberdeen, Scotland, which led to our expansion into the North Sea offshore market and established our base of operation serving the EWEA and Asia Pacific markets, 2007
Incorporated HB Rentals Singapore, 2007
Began offshore module manufacturing (Broussard, Louisiana) completely in-house, 2008
Reached rental inventory of 2000 accommodation modules (offshore) and units (land), 2011
Introduced first oil rig communications service offering, 2008
Began operation of an offshore module fleet in Australia, 2008
Expanded into Malaysia, 2009
Expanded into the Brazil offshore market with a location in Macae, 2009
Assimilated Outpost Office accommodations facilities and assets in the U.S. Rockies with the Superior Energy Services acquisition of Complete Production Services, 2011
Expanded into the Middle East offshore market with a service and operating facility in the UAE, 2011
Executed first rental project in the Arctic Ocean with the Arctic Challenger, 2012
Eastern Region (EWEA, Asia/Pacific) operational hub relocated to Sauchen, Aberdeen, 2012
Enhanced US land market communications product line with LTE (Long Term Evolution) wireless network rollout, 2013
Confirmed our status as a deepwater offshore industry leader in the award of a highly technical semi-submersible project in the Walker Ridge basin in the Gulf of Mexico. All engineering and design for the accommodation modules was completed in-house including custom modules designed specifically for this project. Our client was a major IOC and their engineering firm which conducted the FEED study, 2013
Increased asset investment in the Mexico market, to better serve offshore clients and expand into the land market, with HB Rentals' first in-country operating and service facility in Ciudad del Carmen, 2013
Expanded U.S. land market accommodation product line with the Elite Company Man Accommodation Unit introduction, 2013
Successfully diversified into the renewables/offshore wind market in the German Bight (offshore Germany) with several projects including Jack-up Barge for 27 modules and 90 incremental POB including 20 sleepers, seven welfare rooms inclusive of conference, office, laundry, locker/changing, coffee, smoking and dry goods modules, 2014
Refreshed brand image, updated and expanded website, and introduced new strategic positioning "Your Productivity Starts Here" to reflect HB Rentals global expansion, new product innovations and rapid growth over recent years, 2015
Expanded footprint in Mexico from offshore platform and vessel temporary living quarters to onshore oil field housing with a drill camp project in Villahermosa, 2016
HB celebrates four decades of serving the offshore accommodation, land market oil field housing and temporary worker housing markets: 1976 to 2016